Back after a year, I think after this I'm just not gonna make any promises of coming back cause i always seem to break it. lol. Wonder how those bloggers do it. Really hats off to yall!
Anyways thought since NewFace is around the corner again, I'd talk about my journey here and hopefully help some of you make the choice of whether to join or not. Since it's gonna be a long post, imma label every paragraph so it'll make it easier for yall to see which yall wanna read and all yeah?
So the past few years, i had always heard of NewFace but i never quite followed it. And somehow i always had this feeling like, it'd be nice to join but doubt i'd ever. And what would people think? I was embarrassed to go down for auditions cause i knew people would judge - like...'this girl is so thick-skinned.' or 'this girl think she damn pretty'. And what if i didn't get in? I was also worried of being in the spotlight and how other than fame, it brings you haters as well and I didnt know if i could deal with that.
Do any of these feelings reside in you as well? If it does, then, i totally feel ya.
So i finally plucked up the courage and decided to join. One of my personal motives of joining was just to see if i could make it uh. Honestly I have a retardedly low self-esteem so by joining, i hoped it would help me have more confidence and esteem. Another reason was also cause i was slowly stepping into the modeling industry, trying it out here and there and I knew Newface would give me a platform to learn the ways (e.g. photoshoots, fashion show) and experience the industry (meet&greets, events, media attention etc.). Lastly, it was for DA MOOLAHHH. I mean..likka duh, $10k/5k/3k/1k was an awesome incentive to strive even harder to win.
Well thankfully for me, I went in straight to round 2, the closed door auditions with the help of my agency, Mint Singapore. If you dont have an agency, you still have hope to do the same! I'll let you know how below:) Also, why i didnt mind joining this year cause my friends were joining. So if you all go in together, it'll be more fun and you won't feel so weird/shy!
So the day of the closed-door audition arrived and lo and behold, i had a stupid huge pimple on my cheek. Blehdee hormones of mine got too excited ah. As if that wasnt bad enough, my nerves were just going at it. You walk into the subaru hub and youre faced with so many other NewFace hopefuls, a lot of them really pretty. It's weird cause all of you know everyone's kinda competing against each other and you just sense a lot of judging looks. BUT NO. You must keep yourself in check, and dont let that deter you. After a few hours of the different rounds of auditions, you get used to the crowd, so dont worry. It's only the initial first few minutes.
Basically what goes on in the audition is you walk in one row with 10 girls and each one has to walk up to the judges, pose pose, answer some questions bout yourself and walk back. Easy peasy! Just wear good heels ah, mine was damn slippery i think i looked like a duck in my catwalk. They cut down from 100 plus to the Top 25 on that day so try and block out your whole day till evening cause it might take a while. Well. here's some tips for you!
Tip #: Hashtag your photos on instagram #tnpnewface13
The newpapernewface team is picking some girls from instagram to go straight into the closed-door auditions. So hashtag your best few photos which show your looks and be versatile! Do some smiley, some modelesque ones. They dont like people to hide behind lots of make-up so make sure you don't apply like a toothpick-deep cake of foundation and super dramatic eyelashes.
Tip #2: Like the Tnpnf13 Facebook page
It's handy for immediate updates on the competition and the media coverage. And! the form is there for you with all the audition details. Also, they might just choose you on Facebook to enter straight to round 2 too! To make life easier for you, here's the FB link with the registration form!:) *Your welcome*
Tip #1: Go with friends
Tip #2: Don't wear too much make-up
Tip #3: Wear comfortable heels with friction below
Tip #4: Wear something simple but fitting
Tip #5: Go with an open and positive mindset
(If you don't get chosen, it's alright. It does not mean you are any less beautiful.
They have to look through 100s of girls so don't be disheartened alright?
Just go there positively and see what happens!)
So, I'm not sure where to start cause the whole journey was just really great. It spanned over a few months since the finals was in october. I met so many great girls there, 18 great girls to be exact. And till this day, it's great to know our group whatsapp is still alive!:) I went into this competition feeling scared that people would be very bitchy and all, but honestly, only people who dig their own holes and give others a reason to bitch bout them will get the bitchin. But other than that, all the girls were extremely sweet and helpful. During finals when the results were getting read out, winning nothing did not get me down one bit. I guess what helped was that i went in with an open mind, didnt expect anything and just loved everyone so much that i would be genuinely happy for any one of them to win! Also, seeing 2 long rows of supporters with the biggest banners and loudest cheers was more than i could ask for. I was truly so appreciative to have them there. My whole family, my best friends, my fav touch girls, my lovely uni classmates and my then-touch-rugby club girls! Aiyah, i was just so overwhelmed with happiness and love that they were there that i felt like i was a winner that day ^.^ See, just check them out! so cute! <3333 p="">

To those who have questions on what the schedule's like.. Basically, it spans over 4ish months. In these 4 months, you have a few days where you go down for events, e.g. The New Paper Big Walk/Subaru Car wash or to do your hair. The busy part is only at the first and last part. First 2 weeks or so would be the photoshoot for top 25 to top 20. Then, the last 2-3 weeks are rehearsals for the fashion show. Yup! that was actually about it, it wasnt demanding on the schedule much.

All images belong to and
I've actually got many behind the scenes photographs but it's in my other comp so will just add it into here another time. But to sum up everything, TNPNewFace was a really good experience and i encourage those who are interested in this industry to join it. I have never once regretted joining!:) Don't let your worries of what others may say/think get to you. It's much easier said then done but ultimately, do it for yourself. Don't live your life for other people. If this is something you want, go and get it! Wishing all of you NewFace hopefuls a very good luck and I'll see you on the 22nd at the round 2 auditions!!:))
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