Monday, July 09, 2012

Tired Audrey is Tired

Omg. I'm so happy with how my blog looks now. At least it's not so plain with the Instagram thing too. Pity my first picture is the damn unglam one with the chopstick in my mouth. Spent two hours doing that stupid picture up there! I really miss playing around with pictures and spending hours editing stuff. Actually, I think i really had no life after O'levels cause i used to have so much time to do things like that. And gone are the days I could stay up till 7am watching The OC. :( 

Le sigh, I think i'm having a pre-midlife crisis. I don't want to grow up. I DONCH VANT. 
  • I want to be able to sleep in on days i have no school. 
  • I want to be able to make fun of my friends who have to slog at work while I lepak and rot in bed till late.
  • I want to be able to go clubbing without feeling like I'm dancing with kids. 
But then again, a double-edged sword presents itself and..
  • I can't wait to be successful.
  • Can't wait to make my own success and my own money and be someone people look up to.
  • Can't wait to be all "Bitch, please" to people. ...ok no la of course i wont be like that to others but..
  • Being my own boss would be damn awesome uh.
Hopefully one day, if i'm stuck in a toilet with diarhhea and no tissue paper, I'll conveniently use a $50/$100/$1000 note to clean my ass. Shiok.

Anyways, been rotting at my computer since 10am this morning trying to finish my stupid assignment but i simply cannot seem to concentrate. Am going to get down to it now and sleep early tonight. Or......maybe ill catch my 'Teen Wolf' later......Idea? ^.^

Ok before i go off, does anyone have any idea how i can upload a 13-minute video and how long it roughly takes? Cause i'm not sure if its just my computer or if its normal for it to take like 2 hours to load. Perhaps if you know, could you leave me a comment/drop the info in my formspring box? Spankz! I really wanna upload my KL Haul Video!:(

Ok then, guess im off to face my work again!

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