Audrey + Baking + Cookie Dough = Burnt Cookies.
noo laaa.i joke.its just double choc chip la.......
with a bit of a burnt taste...
so screwed the idea of swimming for baking cookies at pau's place. tempted me.

soo, just a peek into a little conversation.
"Aud,which cup do you want.small,medium or big"
(so Audrey's kinddaaa thirstyy right.)
"uhh..big:D "
Pau:"when i say big, its HUGEEe"
(Aud just brushes it off)
Aud:"yuppp, least you dont have to refill:D "
(see, Audrey's just really considerate.)
*Pau brings her the drink*
moral: When pau says something's huge, its GIGANTICC.

k so inferring from the pic on the top left hand corner,
the two bakers were trying to be creative and make
cookies in the shape of their name's first alphabet, but the idea totally screwed up and ended up looking like a fat,disfigured clump of a P and A.
haahahhaha.we are such losers pauuuuu.
well, met Ze Rachyyy soon after:)

went to do our hair.and im not that pleased.
its either the lighting at home that totally screws with my eyes,
or i cant see any difference.UGHH.
and hair extension's attachment isnt sticking out of my head at all!....
well sure had alot of fun with both of my lovelies.
today was such a Laugh-y day.
Im happy again:)
VELL,tmr marks the first official day of school.
hope its gonna be alrighhhhht.
hope there'll be some eye candy around.
oooh~i cannttt waittt.:D
k, a pedophile moment to sign me out.
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