(why, that's me! hahahah)
Selamat pagi semua.
Gonna rush this right before i head out for school!
Last night: Met Babe, Chanel, Sam, Morgy, Taili, Jing Yi and Nic!
Went to Cine for supper at HK Cafe then went to Jingz house.
Is it we talked on her rooftop balcony from 12-4am - about religion?
haha I liked it cause i ponder alot and there were different
religions there so we could hear sides from everyone. Other
than our deep conv.,(haha) we had quite a lot of laughs too.
Miss them sia.
Wed night: Went to Zouk with them!:)
It was such a last minute thing but it was still a fun night!
So happy got to see them after soooo long. Especially
morgy cause he has been cooped up in OCS for the longest time.
Anws, here are some photos but the flash from my iphone was so
damn disgustingly bright! Likka wtshit i look like those wayang ladies/men
who cake they face w powder. So! Gonna wait for Ms. Choo to upload
from her cam! Nelsy if you see this, UPLOAD SOON KAY.

Yesterday: I met my bestie, Tashy!
Followed her to set up her new iphone and headed to TP to eat!
If you're a TP-ian, you should know Mensa has awesome western food.
If yall are following my on twitter, yall would know that I gave up meat
for Lent! (its fasting for my religion). Ive been very good for the past few
weeks! Today, i even ordered Dory fish instead of chicken chop. As i was
slurping the last few strands of my scrumptious Carbonara spagetti.....
Aiyoh. went into a bit of a fit luh. But:( I'm sure God understands.

Anyways, even after sleeping at 4/5am, I had to wake up at 9am
to send my nephew down for his school bus. Had to set 3 alarms
before i could really wake up. Played some hide-n-seek with him
while waiting for the bus and i got weird "I'm judging you" stares
from the construction workers below. lol?

So cuteeeee luh.

Yes, that's me without make-up. Don't judge hor.
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