and i do notttttt know where to start.
how bout how..

Temasek Poly, first poly to win the IVP games 10/11 in 7 years:D
Love the team to bitsss
but ahh..as the year comes to an end, so does the team.
Really gonna miss youll.
Kimmeh, Brenzy, Neece, Teri, Bel, Syairah and Choochoo.:(
On to other things..

All 3 of my besties left me for AUSTRALIAA.
as if nini and tashy werent enough,
tiffy went and left me as well!! haha but dont care,
this march ill be going up and bet we'll have the time
of our livesssssssssssssss. unless i get killed by giant spiders?
or punched by a kangaroo? or..just from missing singapore maybe?
naww doubt it. but for now..

Alright well CheenaNY began.
and we all know..
it started on.. V.DAY.
and V.day was.....
My 1st year anni with
Mr. Lee Jia Jie Shawn.
My bestest Prawnyyy ever:)
And because my prawny is a
Cheena prawn, we couldnt quite
celebrate our anni. on..our anni!
So.. the 13th it was, we went to the..

Shawn Lee,
Youre really the best ive ever had.
I really love you a lololottlotlotlott.
To many more years to come:)
I love you:)
Back to CNY
Gamble siaoooootingtongzx.
But im not sucha good gambler.
i dont like to lose money. haha
But whatev,
Shawn's place
Chanel's place
My place
Stefan's place
Shawn's place
Today- Eunice's place.
See, told you it's gamble siao.
And to wrap up today....
Got my period. Menstrual cramps kicked in.
Dinner was big but quick. and i jsut feel like
konking out on my comp now. i think its time
i sleeeeeeeeepp!!!!! so good night peopleeeee.
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