Four days straight of touch football.
Game. Training. Game. Training.
My bones are practically close to breaking.
My muscles are close to tearing.
I can barely walk from place to place.
and we are in the middle of pol-ite.
because i didnt come on that day.
14th July 2009

if you choose to call me lifeless just cause
i decide to surround myself with family,
bf, friends, touch rug and school, then you're
just being narrow-minded. I would
like you to know that not everyone's
definition of having a life is one where
i have to attend every party listed
in a facebook invitation or stay out late
at night or hang out with the "in" crowd.
I'm satisfied with the way im living now and
i dont think i need someone to come around
and tell me otherwise. yes? I'd just appreciate
it if you let people live the way they wanna
live cause everyone is different.
I think sometimes you "Anonys"/"Passerbys"
can be really insensitive. Im glad im not as
affected as i would be last time, but looking
at other people's blogs, as much as i know
you'll wanna get some point across, you'll
fail to see how its going to make the person
on the other side of the line feel.
Please just have some dignity next time.
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