Today was CCN day for TP,
and i bought muruku for 10 cents!:D
Plus point:
Walking around school with
Sherie Hannn, Xiang Luan, Russell Scully, Bryan Chang and Dean!
Minus point:
The weather was definitely out to and enthrone me as
Oily Sticky Pimple Queen.
Well, let just say, Little Audrey gave in into temptation,
and the pimple plucker suddenly appeared. and now..
my face is in healing process??..?
Met Rachy leerrrve and a spontaneous trip to town was made~
But a 2 hour long cool down at my house was done first.
and unfortunately, today was I-feel-so-fucking-fat-and-bloated-day.
So getting ready was just to BAujqhjwkchaniuhkja!kx!@#$#%$%^.
went to town and saw manymmmany hot guys.
and yay my eyes are happy so i can sleep well.
k la, random but before i exeeet off,
rachy and i saw this girl with eyeliner like this.
quite a laugh cos i got the shock of my life.
but alas, could be the new eye-do?
k so bad.sorry.
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