Tests are drawing nearrrer and nearer and its practically racing to reach me.
I gotta study my macro econs, organisational behaviour and business accounting really well.
and i suck at the first two.okae so i suck at accounts too la, but i managed todays lecture so im happpyyy:))
but anyways, im currently having war with my pimples.
and sadly, it winning.i has officially conquered my left cheek and is moving to my chin and forehead. WHO HAS HELPPPPP to provide?i really need some.or can anyone tell me how i can write a letter to Mr/Miss Puberty?tell him or her ive grown enough and i dont need so much oil producing glands.gahhh.
well, today.is gonna be a mad day im sure.
came back from town last night with nick, pau and chris

wheelock starbucks. as you can see,im very tireddd.

the foam just refused to appear on my lips la.

myyy precioussssss..es.
well decided to come home and do my CSA project cos it was due by "1am" to my grp person.
so i come home and make tea for myself.
and NOWW.its 06:38am and im still up.
ANDDD i havent even done the bloody thing.
can i jsut hit myselffffffff. ughughugh.
oake im officially watery eyed.but again, work produced = zero.
and to top it off, i gotta walk around with a loadful of hair smelling like a chemical shelter.
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