Things have been realllly hectic these days and all i can think about
is how i need my sleep and how my complexion is getting worser than worse
and how am i gonna score in my subjects when i dont understand shit.
so to the people whom i talk to almoost everyday, im sorry if youll get sick
of hearing me rant about the same ol things BUT really helps to rant.0_0
anyways, i officially HATE my extensions and just have such a passion to kill it.
DIE EXTENSIONS DIE.cant it just commit suicide and fall of my head?
HA AH.AH.ha..? im just damn lazy to go back to city plaza to get them to take it off la..............................stoooooopeeeeeeeed.
k so im falling asleep by the comp already. this was such a piece of shit kinda post.
but fear not! i will update youll with pictures soon:) to the people who reallly want them,
SOOOOON YO. but for now,
its been a long time, SAC.and i really miss you.

is how i need my sleep and how my complexion is getting worser than worse
and how am i gonna score in my subjects when i dont understand shit.
so to the people whom i talk to almoost everyday, im sorry if youll get sick
of hearing me rant about the same ol things BUT really helps to rant.0_0
anyways, i officially HATE my extensions and just have such a passion to kill it.
DIE EXTENSIONS DIE.cant it just commit suicide and fall of my head?
HA AH.AH.ha..? im just damn lazy to go back to city plaza to get them to take it off la..............................stoooooopeeeeeeeed.
k so im falling asleep by the comp already. this was such a piece of shit kinda post.
but fear not! i will update youll with pictures soon:) to the people who reallly want them,
SOOOOON YO. but for now,
its been a long time, SAC.and i really miss you.

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