well im done with the surveying job!
worked at the education fair at suntec from thurs to sun
and it totally killed my wallet and back.
wallet because food republic's food is so stupid and unreasonably priced.
okae not food republic only ah, just food centres these days!
thats why, im happy with sticking to coffeeshops.
cheap and goooooooood.
vell vell.
off-ing the complain button.
i went out with my dress upside down.
but luckily it was black!
so i walked through the mall with it and all then only at the mrt station with nick
did i look down at the design and think..hmmm.abit weird ah the hem?
so i asked myself like 3 times going
"eh, am i wearing my dress upside down!?!?"
"eh wait!yes!"
"eh no."
*looks at the sides of the dress*
*turns red*
hahahah so went all the way to suntec and rushed to change.
luckily managed to sit down all the way through ah.
well, i decided that pictures always somehow help to describe the situation bettter!
so ive been documenting life these days:)
theres alot ah-i warn you first:)
eh wait, its loading now.
so im gonna bore youll with my day today first.:D
well i couldnt sleep till 5 this morning cos i had a long nap yesterday afternooon.
so i had to snooze like one million times before i could wake up this morning.
took like an hour to get ready and left to go for my sony training for the IT show!
and best of all, IM SELLING CAMERAS:))
wellwell, met valerie, geraldine, joy, dion and valerie's boyfriend there!
so luckily i wasnt alone in the end uhh.
so after training,/briefing, whatev, rushed home and tried to resist the urge to buy food to eat.
since i know i can be realllly long winded and too descriptive, ill move to how i decided to meet sonn!
so we last minutely met at simei starbucks at 8.30 and sat there in the freeeezing cold till 11.30 pluss.it was dammnnnnnn coldd!and i too 4 pees. in a span of 3 hours.sonn was all spasmic cos it was so cold so she was twitching.HAHAHAHA
you know the kind where you get all stiff?hahaha
so so so, we actually met cos i needed to tell her some stuff since i figured i figured it all out.
not ALL out la,
but prettty much.would have called the girlies to join us but had to have this ONE-TO-ONE withh sonnnie.
VELL, met MR POOOOH.not poooh la.but POH.
my former A.math teacher~
and saw
Sherrie Wong
Pei Wen
Isaaaabel Peters (my felloowww sonyyyy worker!:D)
talk about SACIAN night.
k.so i see this is all going no where LA
the pictures have loaded.
COMECOME i show you.

FOOD REPUBLIC.quite coool ah the setting?

at first i thought, what a waste of..pandan leaf(??) then!i realised!
so smart and sneaky.they were promoting NO DRUGS.can see can see?


muahaaaa.pau-eee with her chrissyyyy poo~

ANGERR ah pau?:D

nick's always eating and eating and eating!:D

thanks mr printer for naming me aNdrey.

AHHAHA im so irritating.

oooh this was the day my lips were so bloody dry,it looked like
i had CRATERS on it.eeeeeeeeee.

You see right my dear biology readers, when there is lack of light,
your radial muscles contract and your circular muscles relax, causing your
pupil to dilate like so.

so cute ahh these two?:D

k i just took this as evidence that im not the only one who leaves butt prints.

this was the tissue thing ah.and nick and i were so greedy we took like 8 packets from the guy.
HAHAHAHA eh eh, lemme correct that.he practically shoved it on us.but we were more than happy la?:)

beeer garden with sonn and jessie~!

awww so cute and smalll riggggght.i felt so gigantic.


so sweeeet uhhhhhh.

this was tonight~! k la, i sit like an ahpek.but..comffffyy ah!

sonnn and isabel~:) nachos delight.

HAHAHA, this was so self taken.i thought i was alone, THEN
i realised..THERE WAS A CAMERA looking down on me. damnit.

yayy, i reallly loveee the shoes.thank you again mr.dean james!

and now.is the start of audrey being an irritan.

thaaaanks sonnn:) told you i'd camwhore with it!

ahahahhahahah.when im alone,all else comes out.

the blacker it seems, the whiter it really is:D

bahahhaha.granny oh granny.
k la.so thats the end of photos.
but be prepared for moreeeeeeeeeee~!
k, gooodnight now:)
eyes are burning uppp.
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