and lets just say.
a continuation to my last post.
i ate dinner.
and a whole lot.
more distraught news.
realised so much shit today.
1)someones got someone.
2)someone may have someone.
3)someone could be my someone.
but someone isnt my someone.
4)so many someones to be with.
5)so many someones gone.
6)so many someones, which someones gonna me mine?
7)when in the world am i going to get a SOMEONE?!?!?!
8)oh.talked to somemore someones today.
9)some someones make me happy:)
10)some someones just make me want to slap their faces.
like yesterdays someone.
he SO should not be counted in the someones list.
COS the someone in the someones list are nice someones.
and i didnt get to go swimming with pau-ee today.
cos i realised last minute i did my hair just yest.
so i needed three days for it.
i miss exercising.
i miss being with a someone.
i miss liking a someone.
i miss holding a someone.
i miss feeling butterflies upon hearing his name or reading his msges.
i miss my normal days when i can just have fun.
i miss the beavers being together.
i miss tanning cos im as white as an albino cow.
i miss having money to shop.
i miss having smaller thighs and arms.
i miss being able to fit into a size 26 pants.
fuck now its just increasing and increasing and soon ill fit into a size 56.
i miss life being carefree, without O's to worry about.
i miss simpang nights with pau,nick and lis.
i miss sitting in rays car and feeling the thrill of him racing with other cars.
i miss sitting at starbucks talking and playing hangman with matt.
i miss sitting in starbucks for hours talking to ryan bout tonnes of shit.
i miss after-church outings with jon,simon,lis and ant.
i miss chalets.the ppl.not the drinks.
i miss the fact that i could play golf when i was damn young but i cant even swing the club now.
i miss going to nicks house and having tonnes of fun.
i miss seeing nick and mark together, being very happy just by being together.
i miss lis coming over to my place,taking videos and laughing like thats all we do in life.
i miss taking hours to braid lis's hair.
i miss spending 1.50 after 1.50, playing parapara with lis:D
i miss spending 4.00 just so lis and i cld slide down the slides and play in the balls in e old ezone.
i miss how jessie used to hide my bag every morning and how we'd chase each otr round class.
i miss how lis,tash,tessa and i used to be the fastest runners in orange house.
i miss ballet times with lis and tash, and how we were called the Three Musketeers.
i miss tap times with tash,lis,tiffy,nini and tammy.
i miss our tap performance.
i miss our la passion performance.
i miss our SYF performances.
i miss bak chor mee dinners.
i miss playing pool with rachy.
i miss going to the playground opp.sch with our p6 clan.
i miss us gg to the haunted playgrnd.(where i fell,and scarred myself,cos a dog barked-_-)
I Miss Mary Wong.
R.I.P My Love.
You will never be forgotten.
i miss fun times when leshia,petrina,eloise and i were bestfriends.
i miss how four of us would fight against xinxuan.
k la.well apologies.but got so into reminiscing:)
so heres just a few pictures to keep you from falling asleep.


these two pictures just got us laughing till i wanted to pee in my pants.
and PAU.gotcha back!!:)))
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