three weeks have passed rather fast!!
and tash and nini are going back tomorrow:((
but positive thinking--that gives me time to study:))
fast one.
lemme tell you of last night
first.i had school in the morning.
DEN i had tutorials till 4.40 in the afternoon.
DEN i had to RUSSSHH home to get bathed and changed for the night~!! met pau and nick and headed to school for some school tribute to ccas.
and we were all like.eeyer.izit gonna be shitty.
but it turnedout fun!!!
after the thing,which ended at 9,
headed off to downtown to meet tashy,nini and tiffy!
since these few days, theyve been hanging arnd with din and friends
favplace is dte.
soooooo.i am dragged off there too.
so we sit down
and there are friends like daniel, bobo, diyana?,huda, and all!but sorrie.
i cldnt realli rmb the names.din was there yet--he went to meet his gf.
sooo.happily talking and talking and doing stupid stuffs.
everyone saes din is coming.
and im like.
oh my.
cos...he happens to be my ex!
but now.
whats happening btw us is that we were supposedly okae with each other?
but when we see each other, its so hard to even say hi!
he came.
did some handshake with everyone at the table..except me.0_0
thaaaaaaanks ah?well not like i cared for the handshake but imagine someone saeing hi to EVERYONE at the table, except you?!
so yes.
rather out.
anywaes, he headsto another table, and we just talk.
and when saeing goodbye.
everyone says bye.
he does a handshake with tiffy,tashy and nini.
and i just stand there waiting.
k nvm.
so we head off.
and to think tash and all saed he wanted to be friends.
i certainly 100% dontmind my besties hanging around with my ex and friends.
but theres this weird feeling that, the person you were once with is hanging out and having such fun with your besties.
and when you think back, youre thinking, it used to be me included in that fun last time.or smtg.
ah wells.
things change.
and people move on.
well after dte, went back to tiffs,
got readi.
and headed to phunk bar.
fuccckiinnnnnnnnnng funny.
HEELARIOUS i tell you.
we get there
and tiff saed, 16 year olds are allowed.
so we're like...okae!
so we go there.
the manager? askss us.
kay how old are you ladies?
alrights.well normally we dont let in 16 year olds on a Friday Night.but since youll are alreadi here, we'll let youll in this time! standint outside.
the RnB music was damn good.
the DJ also very good
so we were like..hmmm.
shld be quite crowded ah.
so i was like LAughing and LAUGHING and laughing!!
paid 15 to see like 9 ppl max on the dancefloor
hiphoppers from dunno where dancing small stepss to themselves in the corner.
chinese boy dancing alone on the dancefloor, looking at himself in the mirror on the dancefloor
and seeing him point out to us as the song had smtg to do with "ladies"
AHAHa hilarious i tell you.
toilet was rather dirty.
place was rather old.
pool table was rather tiny.
but tash and i still played.
and SOOO.we met two other girls.
one whos 17 and one who's 24.
so both of them had also just met!!
and guess wad.
when tiff and nii went to the toilet, all four of them started talking!
den tash and i went in, and joined the conv.!
so happily making friends, the girls ask us to dance on the dancefloor.
and as much as i liked the music, soooooooo embarrassing right!!!!bloody dancefloor so empty and tiny!!and everyones just looking at ppl dance and shit.
but nvm!
nini and i go.
tash and tiffy REALLLI didnt want to.
so nii and i and the two girls start dancing.
noeing me- im like miss-CANNOT-dance in front of ppl.
but nvm.
let loose after a while.
AND so i just talk to the 24 year old lady
and she tells me she's here with her "guy"(so she said.)
and she points to him.and blahblah.
and i forgot to say--she's the one who when we just came in, were looking at how she danced so madly and all.
not say in a bad way.but she looked like a working lady letting all her stress offf after a heavy day of work.HAAAAA funny funny.
on the podium with the pole also dancing.HHEEELLLAAAARREEEOus. describing her.
lemme tel you.
and im alreadi not even comfortable with dancing there.
and i also DONT like grinding.
so i was like miss malu happily laughing.
and then i sae(laughing)---uhh.sorrie!!i cannot i cannot!!(also cos i didnt noe wad to sae)
then she whispers into my ear--nvm.just let go!
then im like...0_0
hahah well nini was lookingnormal.but trying to hide her disgust.
so we tell both girls we're going out to have a smoke.
and so we go.
and we DISAPPEAR from that place.
i mean grinding.okae so perhaps its normal with your friend or boyfriend?
but with a girl stranger.
and with the fact i dont even feel comfy dancing.
its just.not.right.
well we decide to head down to pasir ris to meet fido and irsyad.
old la.
rather funnny guy!!
well i was like DAMN TIRED.
so i was sleeping most of the way.hahaha. forwarding.
our friend which we were sitting at with downtown just now, his brother had passed away!!!!!!!
in a motorbike crash.
the other motorcyclist.
was fido's brother's friend!!!!!!
and he also passed away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
like O.MY.GOSH!!!
soooo saaaad!
at like 6+a.m din came and fido him and irsyad went to visit poor imran
imrans brother was also dins rather poorhting.
and just before that, when we were on the way to phunk bar--we saw a crash and a body on the road.
well.thats my night.
and theres nothing more to sae.
so im just gg to say.BYE..
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