lots to tell and rant today:)
yesterday--29th of May.
rachy,chel,zora,nick and i went to ZOUK!
okae more like phuture la.
but it was for this underage party.
so we arnt big fans of underaged parties.
but!we thought.hey!why not just relax,have fun and go for a ladies night out la.
we got readi and blah blah and went over there.
got there at 8+
which was quite stupid.
cos the queue was just HORRENDOUS.
but then!it was SOOOOOOOOO much better than the MOS one la.
the mos one ah.
i tell you.
BOYS didnt even bother to be gentlemanly.
WAULAU.whats this?!?!
but whatev.
not about mos la huh?
went to zouk and the queue was a million centuries long but nvm!
alot of interesting looking people!
so queuing queuing.
i spotted.........cynthia!laura!aza!bianca!
so it was like a lil reunion and we were all so overjoyed.
so yeah.being the kind souls we were-we let them cut the queue.hurhurhur.
yeahyeah.so fast fwd-ding.
we all got inside and it was like SUPPPPPPPEEEEERRRRR packed.
and when it came to the dancefloor.
it was MADNESS!!
nick felt nauseas.thats how cramped it was!!
and like nick saed.
frm the top.
onli people at the sides could dance nicely.
but the middle was just like only a sea of bobbing heads!
girls were so FUCKING BITCHY la!!!
i tell you i could just have punched this bitch behind me!!
i was trying to get to the middle with chel.
she comes from no where and starts pushing my back like SUPER roughly!!!
and i was just like
then slowly.
my face morphed it..
tell me!how to be happy and carry on dancing when this bitch was like FOREVER
nudging me back and trying to grind someother people and just PUSHING me
into some other unknown people!
but whatev.
she spoilt me whole mood.
but being the stupid one who keeps her mouth shut-i din do anything.
oh wells!!
the dancefloor
packed like shit.
and not even nice.
want to dance--can onli move your fingers.
moving your fingers also like no space.
i say im just gg to club at home with jill la.
we've got the bass.
we've got the music.
we've got a dancefloor.
we've got a podium.(bed)
what else do we need?!
gahahahaha.but seriously.
tonnes more better at home then with unknown idiots who are so rude.
well alot of cute people.
but not like i realli care.
feelings for me are just so hard to come by nowadays.
what the fuck la.
singlehood all the way la.
anywaes!!rachy and i stayed over at nicks!!
and everything was so fun.
well firstly seeing nicks dog having fun trying to hump rachy's leg was funny.
and after bathing,going out in our pajamas to the nearby 7-11 at 03.00am
in humungo slippers--nick's brothers,
humungo shirts-like really
and!silky boxers was just fun.
and cooling
and relaxing.
oh yes.
and with wet hair.
so all the coffeeshop people and some other teens also
were like staring at us in a very weird way.
and we were just happily being so unglam.
its just nice to go out and just be so ra-ra bout stuffs.
what you wear and how you look.
like other times it's alwaes about trying not to look like shit and stuffs.
oh wellls.
ah wells.
i think i shld be off off and away!
a few pics from last night though:)

aza,laura,cyn,nick and ME:)

i.did.not.pee.in.my.skirt.its merely a SHADOW.haha

doodoodoo~happily having fun.

my lovies:))
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