so beyond exciting!!!
im now going to tell you off my lovely saturday and sunday!!
so saturday morning.
i wake up at 7 and decide to snooze for about five times till i just switched off my alarm clock out of annoyment(i noe there's no such word but NVM.)
woke up at 8+ finally and rushed to get readi to leave by 9!!
so had to bathe,get readi and pack!
so nvm.managed to leave by 9.05 and rushed like a stupid madhatter to tamp.MRT.
sweating like a bloody pig, i reach there at record time.
okae la.not record time la.but fast enough to be on time.:D
okae so i make my way to kembangan to meet tiffy and family for breakfast!
happily(okae no.)
more like grouchily walking in the bright morning HOT sun,
frowning away(slowly having my face age)
i reach the pick up point.
so looking around.
on the road!
it as a nokia phone.
not new.
not sooo old.
but just..hmm.not new la!
so being the kind soul.
i picked it up and tried to find a "home" or "mummy" or "daddy" in the phonelist.
but do i?
so i proceed to the msgs.
nothing i cld realli use.
so nvm.
got into the car and tiffy's daddy saed to wait for the person to cal or smtg.
so we did!
and he callled!!
fwding alot.
gave back the phone and he offered to give me transport money.
hah!like he could pay for petrol.
funny man.
felt so good.
aiyoi.ON with the story!
had breakfast--and went back to tiffy's home.
we prepared for her lovely party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
k we had to blow up balloons--150 to be exact.
tiffy's grandpapa was just soooooo cute!!he was like pumping the balloon with the pump
like SUPER SUPER madly and fast!!
den we were all laughing and laughing and laughing
and since the weather was like SOOOOOOo MAD.
like 57degrees or smtg.
lets just say besides can add in sweating PROFUSELY as well.
all of us at the table.
okae sooooooooo.
we did many many stuffs.
and later on, tiff and i went to get readi!
when we came down,
everyone looked SO GREAT!!
i think ill get pictures soon.
and itll come here!
yes im sure.
well no worries.
that excitement would soon be satisfied.
anywaes, everything was just so great.
and everyone had so much fun!!
the food was great and the deco!!
like fuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkiiinnnnnnnggggggg GOOD!
and done by who?
tiffy's lovely Godma!!
okae pictures.
okae la.actaully im damn tired to explain alreadi.
so nvm.
ill rush it through.
fell asleep on patio at 2+ am.
awaken by tiff at 4+
went up,
went to bed.
slept at 6+
had to wake up at 11+to get readi for mass at 12.15.
so we did.
and then after mass was lunch.
and coldstorage.
and then home.
and watched LORD OF THE RINGS 3!
ended at 9+
bid my goodbyes to tiffy's lovely family.
and tiffy's Godma sent me home.
its now 10.33 and i think i need my beauty sleep. i bid my goodbyes to YOU!
and good night:)
-wine is goood.
ive been feeeling ever soooo exhausted and shitty these few days.
and i ask myself.WHY?
but can i come up with an answer?
im so very annoyed with school.
first RTC is just so fucking annoying.
irresponsible and stupid.
confiscate people's things also can lose it.
den!cut fingernail also CHARGE fifty cents.
and Sister Rita's favourite quote?
"fifty-cents DONATION to the St.Mag's fund."
keyword being donation.
rubbish rubbish rubbish.
and uieyvjdhdvuh
and then!!TODAY!make us stay back until 2.30!!FORTY FIVE minutes late!!
and to do what?stack up chairs!!!!
okae i understand la.cos its for the sec 4's MT o'levels.
but cldnt they tell us earlier?
cos again.
oh more thing.
arnt ppl in the G.O supposed to be nice and welcoming?
no.rude Rude RUDE.(esp.1 stupid one)
stupid no good for nothing.
they are just sOO FULLL OF SHIT.
i just feel like shouting and screaming in all these stupid annoying shit faces.
arnt i cool?
ive calmed down.
(actually i was gg to be very lame and say..ive COOLED down.geddit geddit?but thinking of the reaction i'd get.i decided against it.but OBVIOUSLY im being a dumbass an have decided to share my personal wants and wanted-to.s here.-____-)
okae so whatevevevev to me.
im just so exhausted.
rather stressed out from mid year results.
well pretty much motivated alreadi.
so looking forward to it! thinking.and hoping.and wishing.
okaeokae.i suppose i shld just let this be.
happily yawning like a hippo infront of my laptop alreadi.
so stupid looking.
k la.goodnight my loves.
hoping youll had a much better day than me.
or shall i sae school*
oooh!i see i havent been the faithful blogger i was...for quite some time.
lets just say.
many things have changed.
not really.yet still got changes la.
k.friends have been somewhat lost-not entirely-just the closeness have been lost.
and friendships have been made stronger-quite gladly.
i believe there'd be changes here and there which perhaps youll wld be notified of:)
today which was a friday.
went to parkway with nick:D
screwed the modelling deal idea-those orchard kinda come-up-to-you kinda ppl?
yeah so instead went to hang out with nick:))
NICK=truly one of my bestest friends:))
besides the beavers of course.
and besides all our little spats,-nick and i,
everything is A okae and perfect-O.
today we went shopping for marko-polo's present!:D
k la.nicks oh-so-wonderful boyfriend!!:D
i just love them together.
WELL.not the point.
we went scouting for polo tees.
cos we agreed that he'd look absolutely hot in it.
since he kinda didnt want it until he could see how it looked like....o.O
we decided!!to get him some other stufffs!!
well saw many interesting stuffs to buy.
and yes.
went to check out bout our future piercings.
the lady saed it wasnt pain.
so im believing her......
OKAE.lets face it.
i bet she just wanted the money.
but HEY!
im being POSITIVE and im gg to pierce it with an open mind of no pain-ness.
k after looking around..
nicky wick and i went to eat.
except she ate and i didnt.
cos i wasnt that hungry but i knew if i ate
it would just be out of stupid greediness-_-.
ohOh!!so fucking funny.
we were in the foodcourt in parkway rihgt.
THEN!just as we sat down--me to watch nick eat her succulent(o.O) hokkien mee
and nick to eat her succulent hokkien mee...
the shutters around the foodcourt started coming down!!
and to see everyones faces was like seeing a baby pee in a persons face.
OKAE.not really but that image just came into my head.
so everyone was just like SO noisy and like OMIGOSH!
yet some were happily laughing.
and so..for about 3 minutes.
everyone was locked in.
but did i worry?
i just took pictures of the closed shutter.hahahhaha
but obviously the picture looked so stupid and plain
hence-its not coming up here.
yeahyeah so the shutters were in place back again
and nick finished eating.
and i finished watching.
but then..DUMDUMDUMDUM(shark attack sound)
my stomach started feeling hungry..................................
stupid timing-yes.very.
SO!we headed to buy some lovely MOCHA icecream from SCOOP?scoops?scoopZ?
i dunno.
whatev to the name.
so yesyes.icecream super good.
placed nicely in our hands, we walked around somemore.
den sat down and talked
den I had to wait for a thousand years for nick to finish her ice-cream-_-
so after my beard had reached an all time length of 100metres, she finished.
we then headed to MPH and burried our heads in books.
books on PHOTOGRAPHY!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
exciting i tell you.
i was happily getting so overly amazed at the pictures.
all so..
mind blowing.
i love photography:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
kk not the point.
after about two hours of books, headed home:)
and NOW!its 9.53pm and im rather tired.
k actually not really.
just...worn out.
is that kinda like tired?
OH who cares.
you get the point.
but what if you dont?
den fuck you.
OKAEOKAe.i jokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng oni.relak one corner.
IM GOING TO TERENGANU(wrong spelling im sure)/PAHANG!
SCHOOL TRIP!and so wld nick,lis and sonia!doodoodoo!
SHALL be the photographer and take many pictures of the trip!
and perhaps ill post it here.
SPIDEY MAN!!okae so i watched spiderman 3 and i think it wasnt that bad!:)but i happily embarrassed myself when i jumped up in my out of SHOCKwhen that ugly mutated eddie in the story grabbed poor i shant spoil the story.for the soon-to-watch-spiderman3-people.HAVE FUN.and get ready to pay 9.50.I SAY.that tickets are so uber expensive and stupidly priced.rather ah?bah.anywaes,this morning went to mass with lis,nick,jon,ant and simonrather fun ah this grp:)well what can i say.i love my friends:)anywaes!mummy's day i got her two bars of chocolate(family bar ah.meaning the huge one.meaning the most too)k so two of that.and a cake!:)its a strawberry heart shape sweet..yes i noe.arnt i such a filial daughter?HAA.k la.waeva.everyone got their mummy's stuffies so it put more pressure on me.well whatev.mummy liked it:)so besides all this.went to buy dinner with daddy dearie.and we both came back smelling of satay.NOT the best smell.esp if it has like mutton,beef,chicken,satay sauce and bbq smoke smell all joined together.:/ :/ :/ yup!thats about my day!oh and watched DEAL or NO DEAL just now.rather poorthing for the man.and he was such a jovial funny mr.okae wells.i think im off!OH YA.i so wanna go for the Xenon Pulsed Light thing for permanent hair removal!!!YAY.excitement.K well.a lil random piece of info there for you:)IM OFF.BYE.:)
okaeokae.excitement abit off.since i am KINDA talking to myself.
..................................WELL today.
after exam, went to town with rachy:)
such a hot day so both of us settled for wearing our bikinis to town.
everyone was looking at us weirdly.
wad?iznt it rather normal in those hot american countries?or like in the OC?
so yeah.we went shopping with our bikini tops and shorts.
okae so i joke i joke.
we went shopping.
in shorts.
but of course with lovely tops on la huh?
first went to bugis and i find everything is becoming so beyond ah lian-ish(im sorrie to you lovely ah lians out there.but its true.)
and everything is just getting SO so expensive!
rachy and i.
EVERY single day.
at least once.
or twice.
or thrice.
or at least in every conv. we have(okae not so mad la.)
BUT we alwaes talk about the lovely life of having so much money!
and you can just go shopping shopping shopping everyday!
and you wont need to worry about not having enough money to buy food.
or pads.
youll just have tonnes and tonnes of nice things.
i hate rich people.
okae no la.
i just envy them.
or more like envy what they have and what they can do.
but they're pretty much normal ppl.
....besides their very branded stuffs.
and big houses.
and nice expensive fast sports cars.
and nice big pools and jacuzzis(i noe i spelt it wrongly.but bleuk.)
and nice big rooms in their houses.
and lovely toilets.
and clothes.
and shoes.
and accessories.
and bags.
and belts.
and files...
and so they are still like normal people.right? >:[
went to bugis.
then it was super boring since we went like at 12+
so we headed to fareast.
we saw tonnes of sacians.
some in school-u
some in home clothes.
saw my daling juniors!:)
from dance la.
and some other lovelies..
like................-natasha,michelle,jaclyn,mingzhen,vanessa(okae she's not my junior-same age.heh) yes.saw many thousand million sacians..
so blah blah.
walking around.
my legs were dying.
and so was my positivity of window shopping.
hahaha as in like.
so many million thousand billion things to buy.
but so no money in my pockets.
tell me.
miss audrey lange.
WELL actually i brought little so i woulnt spend.
SO i say quite smart quite smart.
kk ya.
i say im so lame i disgust myself sometimes.heheheh.
SO.while walking to fareast-banged(okae rachy and i banged them on purpose)
but we bumped ACCIDENTALLY into miam bao, kareo the merio, weersy, janey and janel and muthu?i forgot.butyes.
the whole grp.
so cute.
im supposing im being boring.
SO im gg to hurry up
met zora and headed back down to tamp.
rachy and zora went for MORE shopping at mng.
and i went home cos my legs were gg to die.
oh and someone farted in the train.
i say it was rather cute.
as in like.
so cute.
and i was laughing so much cos rachy and zora were being so noisy about it.
hahha.but like so poorhting.
imagine its like the lady sitting beside them or smtg.hahhaa.
i think she had an overdose of beans.HEH.
k la.but at least im normal with stuffs like this.
SO YES.i think i shall just go off now.
oh yes.
oh more funny thing that happened.
you noe how at the scotts part there.underground passing thing?before scotts la.
you noe how ppl give out flyers and all ther right?
and some so madly also.
well there was this lady.
she like opened two in our faces very garangly(fiercely)
then i was like its okae:)
but like one second after that.
i was like.hmmm mayb i shld just help her and take,
BUT as i put my hand out to take it.
she snatched it away and give the person behind me.
so embarrassed i was.
but was laughing and laughing about it.heh.funneh lady.
for the record
i HATE people who add you in friendster but send you a comment saying THANKS FOR THE ADD.GOSH.PLEASE slap yourselves for me!
thanks.much appreciated.
gosh.been rather tired these days.
and my families getting better!
daddy's cough is still pretty bad though.
feel super sad for him.
at least my mummy's better:)
on to exams.
i hoping for the best in social studies and physics.
i think i screwed up both.
happily study late.and thats what you get.
ah wells!
anywaes, today's sat.
and mondays ot lit and geog elect paper.
and i feel like screwing that up too.
k la.
shall not be negative.........................................
rather lazy to continue blogging.
so toodlelulalu~!:)
goodness gracious me.
my WHOLE family is sick.
mummy-flu and whole face pain?i think toothache.
daddy-bad flu and cough and all
jillian-the bloody stomach flu(and to think she sleeps right beside me)
kathy-stomach flu too!
ethan-stomach flu AS WELL!
so im guessing.
since i noe my immune system is jsvuisdk
i think ill be getting the stomach flu soon.
BUT looking at things on the positive side.
at least ill be able to vomit and vomit and shit and hopefully.
all my food will come out and ill slim down!!
well i dont mean to sound like some aneroxic-wannabe, obsessed-about-my-weight-girl.
but when there was dance, i could eat and eat and sweat it all off.cos i perspired gallons of water.
BUT NOW!theres no dance.and i dont just perspire the lovely gallons of water just by sitting in an examination hall cracking my brains to answer the question OR just by sitting at home doing normal stuffs.SO i cant eat as much as i used to.which is realli hard.
SO to wrap it up.all i have to say is BLEAH.
okae well dont wanna make this too long.
ill jsut wish EVERYONE to reads my blog,
GOOD LUCK for the exams!!
and to those who dont.
go and die.
HAAHHAHA.k joke.
buhbye now!