okae.well i seemed to have deserted my blog for quite a century alreadi!!so yes.IM BACK!k ANYWAYS.too lazy to tell bout other daes,i shall just sum up todae:)WELL!first i met lis,nick and pau to go for 9.30 mass.saw sheryl!alili!and chris!there too.cools.well anywaes,homily was nice todae!Father Bosco did it well.he was so beyond funny.k la.not sae until so funny la but yes.funny enough to stand out from all other homilies.hurhur.okae well after mass,we waited and waited and waited for lisa's lovely SLOW boyfriendwho iz none other then anthony!and orange-man came late but in the end we girls went to eat by ourselves.-_- pls.hahha.WELL.we made a pitstop at my sister,kathy's hse cos ethan(her son)was haveing a fever and she didnt wanna bring him out.but she needed lunch so we just went there to take care of him for a while!:D kat bought us all bbubbletea.yay.OH there was this weird show going on while we were there.all the stupidest acts or videos or smtg.shows how stupid humans get.damn.dats damn sad.ah wells.well,we continued our dae by going to the mall and eating at long johns.den went to sit at starbucks and take loads of pics!!!such as...
yup...theres a few more actually.just a lil lazy.oh wells.k den anwaes,we walked quite abit den decided to go back over to my place to watch a movie.A SCARY ONE.and we all just couldnt stop screaming it was quite so after that,lis met ant and simon to go dunno where and pau and nick went home~ and i just stayed at home la.haa.well after about an hour,sonia called.

and we decided to go the end,we ended up going to whitesands to have dinner and we ate char kway teow!very nice!!!hee.and sow e talked and talked and talked on the mrt platform until we missed about 2 trains den decided to board and head back home..realli happy got ot go out wif her!havent been out wif sonia since january!!aiyoi.ah wells.anwyaes ive concluded dat life wldnt be fun without all these ppl.LOVETHEM
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