Fun fact, dyou know i like to sleep talk? hahahahah
Ok not that i like it, or choose to do it uh. (i mean who wants to sound psycho? Especially when you're staying over at your friend's place and everyone can hear you?!) But anws, this post...was pretty much created while i was bathing. I think most of my inspirations come when I'm in the toilet.. . . .. ... ...... ...
True story bruh.
Ok so to the point, i think i have some sorta sleeping deficiency! I can sleep anywhere and anytime! And i fall asleep so damn easily. I can sleep on the train, on the bus (oh did you know i dozed off on this lady in the bus once - my head kept falling on her shoulder and i just couldnt kick the tired feeling until there was one time the bus jerked and i woke up to realise........she had moved to sit opposite me! lol!) Truth be told, I think i can even sleep on a roller coaster if its long enough luh! Serious. I remember in primary school we used to have phone conferences for hours at a time throughout the night, but somehow..i would end up falling asleep on them. And once they told me they even heard me snoring or breathing deeply into the phone and they automatically knew i had fallen asleep. hahaha fucken lame luh.
Oh my gahh....
Just guess what, I wrote that post that night at 3am and i wanted to blog a long post and bring in pictures and shit and....I FELL ASLEEP AT MY TABLE HAHAHA. See, i really have a sleeping problem. Anws, i think the gist of what i kinda wanted to talk about was i think something about me falling asleep at my computer for the past few days, which made me hand up my assignment late:( cause everytime i open my laptop, and while i wait for something to load, (or perhaps, while i try and get some inspiration by closing my eyes and thinking) i always end up waking up at 8 in the morning D: So so terrible. Ok but ALL MY ASSIGNMENTS ARE FINAL-FRECKIN-LY DONEEEEE for this sem! Now i'm just left with two exams this weekend (meh) and one next weekend and Imma PAARTY and PAARRTY and PAARRTYY AND PUH AND PUH AND, yeah ya get ma drift.

Oh yeah! So I chopped 6 inches off my hair! For fleeeeeeeeeee. (in case you read that wrongly and thought I cut my hair cause I found some kutu inside or what, no, i meant it was freeeeeee~ lol.)
Treatment for my disgusting hay of a hair.
Haha this was when i bluffed people on instagram that I cut short hair. Nyeheh.
But alas no, I'm not that daring to experiment just yet!
Anyways, it was done by my friend's friend Sherman, he's training under Toni & Guy now and he's damn nice! He's extremely meticulous and takes care of even the tiniest of details on your head! Anws, he's looking for hair models now, basically a head he can practice on since he's still learning. He's can cut any thing but i think best would be if you want layers or short hair! If you're interested for a free haircut, do tell me!! I'll hook y'all up:)
Anws, I went to meet Anabel last night to burn ze midnight oil at the Starbucks! Diddchuuknowww, Starbucks Tampines is 24hours?! I didn't! And so it was a very pleasant surprise!:D Well, I'm quite proud of myself,
(but now..i dont know if it is something stupid to be proud of) but I braved Starbucks with the biggest zit ever! Yes, if you have me on twitter, you would have seen my rambling about being able to shoot Prometheus 2 on my face.
It's trueeeeeeeeee:(
Well, last night i also got a question on formspring which made me feel so happy but also so incredulous!
Somemore, it's at a time when my period is coming and i have so many small zits on my face. But God bless this lovely person's soul uh! Still made me a little happy though:D I just dont want that person to see me in real life and be like, 'Eeyer, actually her skin so not so clear at all. Confirm photoshop!'. So, I'm coming out with the truth!! *Points to disgusting pimple picture on top*. Le sigh.
Ok la i think this blog post went from Timbaktu to the moon and back and it just seems a little messy for me so..I shall just leave it as that now! Going to meet Anabel at TP to study again in a bit. Gonna chrome Bizpark or Mensa's western. And I simply cannot wait for our stupid exam tomorrow to be over and done with.
Ok have a nice day yall.
Peaceout homies.