Have you ever felt, when you lost something,
and found it afterward, it was like you were meant
to do the things you did to find it? ok that was phrased
really shittily but what the heck.
Monday night! went to malaysia for dinner with my family
and shawn!:) but anwyays, i lost my cardigan. so i was
finding and finding and everyone was looking for it.
not in the car, not in the house. not in anywhere la. hor?
AND THEN. hours later. reach back in singapore.
Ray and Jill drop Shawn and i off and we walk past the
staircase up to my block, but to walk up a grasspatch.
and i tripped on something. AND IT WAS MY CARDIGAN!
ok besides the whole, damp and kinda sad looking part of it,
I FOUND THE DAMN THING. and!! it was like, IFFF i didnt
trip on it, i would have just walked past it! IFF we hadnt walked
by the grass patch, I wouldnt have tripped on it!!!! ommgggg.
k sorry. just abit overwhelmed. Hahahahhaah but reallllyyy.
sometimes its pretty darn extraodinary how things happen.
I think prayers to St. Anthony and St. Jude help. hehh
Vell Anehvehzzz!
Today is the 14th!
and like many past 14thzzz, (except lazy last month)
i'd like to blog about.....

k la,
Happy 8th Month babe:)
My dear Irritan,
The boy who bluffed me that serangoon to ubi is
15mins when it was half-a-damn-hour and almost
made me late. All for the sake of sleeping a little longer.
The boy who never fails to make me feel ALONE
when watching horror films like COMING SOON.
Cowering beside him, he moves away and tells
me i must learn to watch it by myself.
The boy who takes my hand in his, and....
places it on his ass, then proceeds to fart on it.
The boy who turns to me, looks me in the eye...
and burps in my face. And oh plzz help me, his burps
are known to be the dammmmmmn pungent kind.
The boy who always points at my pimples and makes
fun of them.
The boy who is just plain lazy to do alot of things.
But this boy. happens to be...
The one i think about everynight before i sleep.
The one i care for so much, sometimes it hurts.
The one who has a deep side to him not many get to see.
The one who stuck with me on the phone when i was scared.
The one i fell in love with more than 8 months ago,
and definitely still counting.
I Love you Mr Shawn Lee.
Happy anni. babe and to many more:)