OH.and if youll sometimes wonder how and why i always wanna be so positive,
i learned it from the SECRET.
books out in stores now:)
well mummy had to CD and daddy made me type what he wrote out.
so ive done it.
just read it, you'd really be inspired!
and trust me, IT WORKS.
go google it!:)
Law of attraction
• Activate good thoughts only.
• Picture it in your mind:-see what you really want (‘Focus’ on it with passion)
• You attract the predominant thoughts you put out there.
• The mind shapes the very thing you perceive
• An alternative is through, word. It is more powerful than a negative thought-so choosing your thoughts.
• We live in a Universe with laws.
• Our emotional guidance system sets the thought process – think of what you like.
• Feel good and think of good things. This leads to the process of the good things you will get.
• Always feel good things. And the universe will correspond to the nature of our thoughts.
• Be aware of your feelings. Feel good. And you will receive good things.
• You are the creator of your own destiny.
• Think of Aladdin and the lamp, story. There is no limit to your wishes in the universe. Your wish is my command.
• You do not have to use words to wish. The universe listens to your thoughts.
• The Universe force will re-arrange it to make it happen for you.
• You must bring yourself into alignment of what you want by feeling what you want, not only thinking of it.
• Do what you have to do to generate that good feeling. You must be joyous.
• The Universe wants speed: - do not delay moving in the direction required.
• You might not see far ahead but trust in the Universe to guide you and manifest the path that you take and provide you with zero effort.
• No rules to respond.
• When you are looking at what is, you must move away from negative thoughts.
• Always be grateful for all the things you feel good about and then think about it.
• “Attitude---Gratitude”
• “Visual motor reversal”- Do what you want in your mind first. Dwell upon the end result you want.
• Put yourself in the “feeling place” that you want.
• Turn your "hows" over to the Universe. This should never be a chore.
• Place pictures of what you want, up.
• “vision board”
• Imagination is everything. It is the preview of what you are going to get.
• Trust your inspired thoughts.
• Declare what you would like from the catalog of the Universe.
• If you think of debt, whether good or bad, you will attract debt.
• Visualize cheques in the mail where money comes easily and frequently.
• You have the capability to receive good things.
• Go for the sense of inner joy and peace
• Treat yourself like how you would want others to treat you.
• You are the only one that can create your reality.
• “Placebo Effect” -the human mind
• See yourself living in a perfectly healthy body.
• Healthy thoughts create a healthy body.
• You can change your life for the better or vice-versa. Choose either.
• Work with your mind. Create good thought and a good vision.
• Man becomes what he thinks of himself.
• If you push towards the unwanted, you’re only adding power to it.
• ‘Focus on what you want. Be pro. What you want. Not what you don’t.
• You are here to create what you want the world to be not how you want others to perceive it.
• There’s more than enough good to go around.
• If you can feel it, you will see it. Get inside of it to create it.
• “Everything is energy” the Universe is energy.
• The Universe out there or in here is an energy field. You have the power to create the energy field you want:-truly want!
• So what are you going to do now?!
• You are the manger of your own thoughts.
• Create it by doing the Law of Attraction
• We are unlimited.
• Do things that bring you joy.-Follow your Bliss.
• By doing so, you will create your abundance and feel good.
• This is the cycle of events you want to create always, day in and day out, weekly, monthly and yearly.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
ahhh.ive just come to say,
there's no point in being angry or worrying about what people say about you.
infact, you should just forgive them!
As Jesus said, "they know not what they do"
and so, since ive been thinking soo much about it, i think its time i just say,
im just going to put all of it behind me.
afterall, the O's are coming, and what are friends for?
to help and encourage each other-not pull each other down just so you can score more or smtg.
so ill do my part, be the friend i always thought i was-and ill just forgive them.
cos people do stupid things now and then, but people also forgive.
well at least some do, and im going to make myself a proud member of the forgiving clan!
i sure hope one day, we'd all be able to look back and laugh at this.
i wanna leave sac with good memories.
and i noe the previous memories ive had with these people were good.
but even if they choose not to be nice or anything, i sure know i did what i could.
ah wells, time to get back to studying!
that from 12 plus last night, i had stayed up still 7.35am this morning doing a.math!
absolute madness!but heyy, woke up at 12 and im readi for more a.math!bring on ze integration!!
i feel so good.
(that ive studied hard)
but yet, i regret that my eyebags have to get punished here.
might as well get em eyebags but a good mark in O's as well:))))))))))))))))))
kkk. integration calls.
oh and to all O Level takers, and A levels also la,
its been a long journey.
as stressful as things can get,
dont ever give up.
youve come a long way.
there's just a wee bit more to go!
be POSITIVE loves!
Do your best, God will do the rest.:)
there's no point in being angry or worrying about what people say about you.
infact, you should just forgive them!
As Jesus said, "they know not what they do"
and so, since ive been thinking soo much about it, i think its time i just say,
im just going to put all of it behind me.
afterall, the O's are coming, and what are friends for?
to help and encourage each other-not pull each other down just so you can score more or smtg.
so ill do my part, be the friend i always thought i was-and ill just forgive them.
cos people do stupid things now and then, but people also forgive.
well at least some do, and im going to make myself a proud member of the forgiving clan!
i sure hope one day, we'd all be able to look back and laugh at this.
i wanna leave sac with good memories.
and i noe the previous memories ive had with these people were good.
but even if they choose not to be nice or anything, i sure know i did what i could.
ah wells, time to get back to studying!
that from 12 plus last night, i had stayed up still 7.35am this morning doing a.math!
absolute madness!but heyy, woke up at 12 and im readi for more a.math!bring on ze integration!!
i feel so good.
(that ive studied hard)
but yet, i regret that my eyebags have to get punished here.
might as well get em eyebags but a good mark in O's as well:))))))))))))))))))
kkk. integration calls.
oh and to all O Level takers, and A levels also la,
its been a long journey.
as stressful as things can get,
dont ever give up.
youve come a long way.
there's just a wee bit more to go!
be POSITIVE loves!
Do your best, God will do the rest.:)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
oh ya.wait.wanna just shout out to the girls in class.
happens to be a few girls.
especially one.
youll are assholes and deserve to get a tight slap across your faces you selfish pieces of shit.
mind your own business and dont think writing on my table will get you anywhere in life.
infact.carry on like that, and youd just find yourself lying in a hospital bed in your early years of life.
grow up.
but because my mummy says youll are so insignificant.
and mummy knows best,
im not gg to continue this.
but perhaps i might just decide to one day before school ends.
ahh.we'll see.
oh yeah.and if youll and your immature minds think that i might be acting like a "coward" for not telling it to your faces, ohh i sure dont mind doing so.but i noe that youll would just give me some shit which i dont think i can care less for now.after all, the big O's are coming and i dont want no insignificant idiots spoiling my mood.
oh and one more thing, i may not be as smart, but whats wrong with aiming high?
so you'll think i might get 38 points?ahh well.im aiming for 8.
as for youll, one word.
good luck~!!
oh ya.wait.wanna just shout out to the girls in class.
happens to be a few girls.
especially one.
youll are assholes and deserve to get a tight slap across your faces you selfish pieces of shit.
mind your own business and dont think writing on my table will get you anywhere in life.
infact.carry on like that, and youd just find yourself lying in a hospital bed in your early years of life.
grow up.
but because my mummy says youll are so insignificant.
and mummy knows best,
im not gg to continue this.
but perhaps i might just decide to one day before school ends.
ahh.we'll see.
oh yeah.and if youll and your immature minds think that i might be acting like a "coward" for not telling it to your faces, ohh i sure dont mind doing so.but i noe that youll would just give me some shit which i dont think i can care less for now.after all, the big O's are coming and i dont want no insignificant idiots spoiling my mood.
oh and one more thing, i may not be as smart, but whats wrong with aiming high?
so you'll think i might get 38 points?ahh well.im aiming for 8.
as for youll, one word.
good luck~!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
k hi.
that the O's are finally here.
well in the following days.
but heyy!
lets look on the brightside of life!
besides the fact that if i do badly for this, my whole future will go to waste in this modern competetive Singapore, at least im actually making full use of my secondary school life!
as in the knowledge imparted unto me la.
and SOO.studying like some madcowdisease struck me
got me into quite a systematic routine everyday!
wake up, study till 2, go out and study with rachy till 10+, reach home, watch some TV, sleep.
but ayyee.all this will be over in THREE weeks.
i reallireallireallireallireallirealli (try typing it on your keyboard!you'd get addicted to how your fingers can flow on the 'll's.hahah.)
k sorrie.uhh continuing--really hope i can pass my humans!
geography is one hell of a heavy subj.
wah.that one ah.
everything is linked!
meaning you cant skip like ONE chapter cos you might jjjust need it for the stupid question!!
ohh the horror.
well not here to rant on bout my subj.s.
just came on to renew the "recent date of last post".
kkkk.well gonna go back to studying now.

HAHAHA.isnt she adorable.she was at it for bout 5 long mins.:)

and this girl!ADORAABLEEE.ive got more!
of my dear nephew as well.coming soon~!

okae this.this is disgusting.but i feel for a disgusting pic:)
anywaes, this is the effect of Audrey studying till late.

studying so gave me the power.

and this!apologies that it had to be self taken.
but!!i must say!i never edited it to make it whiter!
infact!i edited it trying to make it darker!!
k la.well i suppose its time i head out
and dive into them books.
see yooooooooooooou.
*random quote picked-up(not from my speakers, no.)
Multimedia powered subwoofer system.
k hi.
that the O's are finally here.
well in the following days.
but heyy!
lets look on the brightside of life!
besides the fact that if i do badly for this, my whole future will go to waste in this modern competetive Singapore, at least im actually making full use of my secondary school life!
as in the knowledge imparted unto me la.
and SOO.studying like some madcowdisease struck me
got me into quite a systematic routine everyday!
wake up, study till 2, go out and study with rachy till 10+, reach home, watch some TV, sleep.
but ayyee.all this will be over in THREE weeks.
i reallireallireallireallireallirealli (try typing it on your keyboard!you'd get addicted to how your fingers can flow on the 'll's.hahah.)
k sorrie.uhh continuing--really hope i can pass my humans!
geography is one hell of a heavy subj.
wah.that one ah.
everything is linked!
meaning you cant skip like ONE chapter cos you might jjjust need it for the stupid question!!
ohh the horror.
well not here to rant on bout my subj.s.
just came on to renew the "recent date of last post".
kkkk.well gonna go back to studying now.
HAHAHA.isnt she adorable.she was at it for bout 5 long mins.:)
and this girl!ADORAABLEEE.ive got more!
of my dear nephew as well.coming soon~!
okae this.this is disgusting.but i feel for a disgusting pic:)
anywaes, this is the effect of Audrey studying till late.
studying so gave me the power.
and this!apologies that it had to be self taken.
but!!i must say!i never edited it to make it whiter!
infact!i edited it trying to make it darker!!
k la.well i suppose its time i head out
and dive into them books.
see yooooooooooooou.
*random quote picked-up(not from my speakers, no.)
Multimedia powered subwoofer system.
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